Coming to school every day is required by state law for children between the ages of 7 and 16.
The HCSD considers the following factors to be reasonable excuses for time missed at school:
Absences not included in the abovementioned excused absences must be unexcused. Students may not be given excused absences to remain out of school for the purpose of working, unless the job is an integral and approved part of the student's instructional program.
Personal illness of the student (medical evidence may be required by the principal or designee for absences exceeding three days in a quarter);
Parent notes can only excuse up to three days in a 9 week period; after that a medical note will be necessary or approval from the principal or designee
Court appearance of the student;
Medical appointment of the student;
Approved school activity;
Insurmountable problems, prior permission by the principal or designee is required, except in the case of an emergency;
Other absences with prior approval of the principal or designee;
Attendance at a center under Children and Families Services supervision;
Significant community events with prior permission of the principal;